Adventurous Things to do in London

Adventurous Things to do in London

With so much to see and do in London, finding activities to suit and appeal to every member of your family or travelling group can be difficult. And while life in the city, with its shopping, restaurants, cultural attractions, and high end hotels near Bayswater London and other areas makes it suitable for those from all age groups, sometimes what visitors and tourists really want is some adventure.

And that’s exactly what this blog is here to introduce, starting from The Bayswater Inn Hotel London and working outwards – away from the hotels near Hyde Park and into the far corners of London with their adventurous attractions and well kept secrets.

The Orbital – Stratford

A gigantic slide built into the Stratford Olympic Stadium statue’s construction, the Orbital carries visitors down to the ground in less than a minute. Not the best idea if you get dizzy easily!

Up at the O2 – North Greenwich

Up at the O2 - North Greenwich

Do you wish you could see your Queensway Hotel London from a distance? Perhaps you want to look at the whole of London from up high, or see how much of the city you can capture in one photo? Well, there is no better place to do that than Up at the O2 – where guests get to walk over the top of the O2 arena and stop to see the view at the top.

You are strapped in tight and will feel entirely safe during your experience, however it is much higher and steeper than it looks!

A Fusion Afternoon Tea

A Fusion Afternoon Tea

A different kind of adventure but one well worth investing your time in during a trip to London – a fusion afternoon tea is built on the concept of a standard afternoon tea, with its sandwiches and mini desserts, but takes it one step further by creating the menu based on cultural influences and unexpected flavours.

You can find some of the best fusion and more traditional afternoon tea experiences across the centre of London, both in the popular hotels and in lesser known venues.

Speedboat Tour

Speedboat Tour

What better way to whizz past the top hotels near Hyde Park than by speedboat on the river Thames? Leaving you feeling a little like James Bond, these experiences can be booked as a one-off or as part of a day package with drinks and dinner at a local restaurant.

Escape Room or Alternative Indoor Game

Every area of London has its own escape room experience – and those that don’t have an escape room have something similar like the crystal room experience or some of giant board game venue. Whatever your choice, an indoor game is a great way to spend a rainy afternoon in London – and can pitch members of your group against each other in playful competition.

From outside experiences to indoor games and delectable treats, London has something for everyone. So do your research and find something different to explore during your next trip.